I remember when I was in elementary school, (yes, I can remember that far back) one of my favorite recess time things to do was to play hopscotch. It was the thing to do, so much so that we would save our stones in our pockets. As a child hopscotch was just a game, but it turns out it was much more.
I was developing large motor skills, hand eye coordination, learning to follow rules, working on my social skills, & counting.
How to Play
I was developing large motor skills, hand eye coordination, learning to follow rules, working on my social skills, & counting.
- Draw a Hopscotch Diagram using chalk or painter's tape.
- Select Markers (stones, beanbags, buttons, etc...)
- Explain the Rules
- Players take turns, standing in a line at the start/finish line.
- Each player will go through the following steps:
- Toss a marker in square 1. Hop in the first empty square. Balance on one foot in single squares and both feet in side-by-side squares. Hop to the end of the diagram turn around and hop back to the start. Do not hop into a square with a marker.
- On the way back to the start/finish line, pause at the square before the marker. Bend over and pick up the marker without moving feet.
- The player will lose his or her turn and must repeat the same number on the next turn if in s/he misses the toss, falls, or jumps outside the lines.
- Once the player’s turn is complete, s/he goes to the end of line and the next player gets a turn.
- After each player successfully completes a turn with the stone in square one, their next turn s/he tosses the marker in square 2 and so on until the player has completed all squares.