I was sitting on my back porch the other day when I looked
next door in my neighbor’s yard and saw the cutest little bunny rabbit emerging
from the woods. I started observing the rabbit’s behavior when a thought popped
in my head - Why not give a few steps for the children to be able to observe
their own animal and deem themselves zoologists!
Print Off
or Create Your Own Observation Log
In order to successfully become a zoologist, you must be able to keep record of all the different animals you have observed. You can print the picture below or use it as a guideline for your own. Having kids sit and take notice to what is going on around them is an excellent way to hone in on their focus and listening skills.
In order to successfully become a zoologist, you must be able to keep record of all the different animals you have observed. You can print the picture below or use it as a guideline for your own. Having kids sit and take notice to what is going on around them is an excellent way to hone in on their focus and listening skills.
When observing an animal, whether it be in your yard or in the wild, it is important to stay quiet. Try and make as little noise as possible. More than often you will likely hear an animal before you physically see the animal. Also, it is critical to stay quiet so they can go about their everyday routine without being disrupted! If you make a noise, they might get scared and run away.
When observing an animal, whether it be in your yard or in the wild, it is important to stay quiet. Try and make as little noise as possible. More than often you will likely hear an animal before you physically see the animal. Also, it is critical to stay quiet so they can go about their everyday routine without being disrupted! If you make a noise, they might get scared and run away.
Pick a spot that you will be comfortable sitting at for a long period of time and be prepared to look, listen and wait for wildlife to come to you!
Pick a spot that you will be comfortable sitting at for a long period of time and be prepared to look, listen and wait for wildlife to come to you!
Stay as far away from the animals as possible but close enough to where you can see them. Use binoculars if possible! Do not try and chase after the animal you see or follow it into its habitat. Respect them and they will continue on their day, showing you how they interact with the world around them!